A constant work in progress: SEO in Knowledge Bases (german)

This Link has a great summary of what is important for your knowledge base:

How to SEO Your Knowledge Base Articles

Money quotes:

“For knowledge base articles, it’s crucial that they appear in search results when customers are looking for help. You’ve likely spent a lot of time getting your knowledge base right. Time that will go to waste if your articles cannot be discovered – and 93% of all web traffic comes via a search engine. Therefore, SEO is as important to your knowledge base’s success as the content itself.”

“SEO is broken down into two main areas known as technical SEO and content SEO. You can think of technical SEO as the activities that underpin the rest of your knowledge base. Without a strong foundation laid through technical SEO, any efforts made with content SEO will be stifled. You need to start strong.”

“Technical SEO lays the groundwork for the rest of your knowledge base SEO, so it’s incredibly important. It requires a certain level of coding knowledge and tech savviness, meaning you’ll probably have to consult an expert who really understands the intricacies of technical SEO.”

  • Put your mobile first.
  • Get a sitemap
  • Use compressed images, HTML and CSS files to reduce the size of files that have to be loaded on your web page.
  • Enable browser caching (to temporarily store data on a user’s computer).
  • Reduce your server response time to under 200ms.
  • Audit regularly

“The other side to the SEO coin comes in the shape of content SEO. This is an ongoing process that needs to be incorporated in every knowledge base article that you write. Because knowledge bases are content-heavy, this type of SEO offers a great opportunity for them.”

  • Content: Pick your keywords carefully
  • Make it readable
  • Include a meta-description
  • Link juice : “Internal links also improve SEO, again because it gives Google more context about your website. However, don’t be tempted to put loads of external and internal links in your articles as this may downgrade your SEO. Instead, stick to 2-3 per 1000 words and ideally avoid any links in your first paragraph. Document360 lets you easily hyperlink to external pages or internally with just a few clicks.”
  • Images boost SEO
  • “Does length matter? The jury is out on what length of articles makes a difference when optimising SEO because Google often changes the requirement for this. Digital marketing guru Neil Patel recommends posts of 400-500 words long but this is likely to change (and change again) in the near future.”
  • Give articles a refresh
  • Make articles part of your wider marketing