Blockchain! Artificial Intelligence! NFT! Distributed Ledger! Linux! Open Source! Digital sovereignty! If you know what these buzzwords really mean, then you are right at Feilner IT. But behold: The focus of our work is on the impact on society, not on marketing, sales or creating/selling a spin. And if you really want to know what our CEO thinks, you should follow him on Twitter…
Do you like working from anywhere, in a results oriented work environment? You consider yourfelf a critical individual, you know how to accomplish scientific work and want to learn more about the real impact of all of those buzzwords (and more) on society, why not apply for a job?
Currently open positions
Management Assistant
Feilner IT is looking for help. We need somebody with skills in marketing, organisation and insights in open source. You’d be working part-time, mostly from home and in our office, helping with all the typical office analog and digital paper stuff, including modern project management and getting things done. Want to learn new things? Come and join us – send us your CV.

Bachelor / Doctor Thesis

We are currently looking for students that are heading for a bachelor or doctor degree in any science related to but not limited to open source, Linux, knowledge and documentation management, digitalisation, digital sovereignty and sustainability, internet politics and computer science including economics. Well, just about all of the OSI Layer 8, 9 and 10.
Writers, Authors, Text Experts and Storytellers
You are a writer? You know story telling and open source, technology and linux? Feilner IT is constantly looking for skilled writers (English and German), authors and ideas for technical articles for blogs, journals and newspapers – and editors. If you have references, send us a link! Remember: “To write is human, to edit is divine” (S. King).

Chief Hygiene Officer (CHO)

It’s not a crime scene, no CSI-style cleaning expected, but we are looking for a 400-Euro-job cleaning assistant manager aka “Tatortreiniger” that might help us keep the Regensburg office clean. Home office not recommended, programming skills optional.
photo credits: U3167879, CC-BY-SA4; Max Mustermann | | CC-BY 2.0, Foto by Sandra Hoever – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, rest by mfeilner, CC-BY-SA 2023