Open Source. Security. Transparency. Sustainability.
Feilner IT is a company from Regensburg, Bavaria. Founded by its Owner Markus Feilner in the year 2000, its roots date back to the early nineties, the foundations of the internet and the success of Linux and Open Source. In word and writing, Feilner IT has always focused on explaining technology and delivering long-term, sustainable and scalable solutions.

For more than 20 years Feilner IT has been serving customers with consulting, documentation, research, presentation, coaching and expertise. Our goal is to help you to help yourself.
Markus Feilner – Feilner IT
Wöhrdstraße 10
93059 Regensburg
Phone: +49 170 302 70 92
Web: https://www.feilner-it-net
Markus Feilner is directly available for you on a variety of internet services. If you leave a message with Signal, SMS, classic Phone Calls (mailbox) or E-Mail, there will be the fastest response. Matrix, Xing, LinkedIN are being checked on a weekly schedule, other channels upon Request. And we support all Video call formats that we’ve ever heard of.
PGP Information:
PGP -Key ID (as of 2022-01-01): 40A3C306F96133067C11CFD9A958A906268C9F0A
Download full public key here.
Fediverse / Mastodon:
Feilner IT:,
Markus’ private views:
Upon request:
IM/Riot/Jabber, everywhere: mfeilner (e.g. Please ping us on one of the main channels above to establish a communication here…
For compliance with German and European law (and to protect your rights), we are not on Facebook, Whatsapp, X or similar insecure or uncompliant channels. Other dead accounts include: Diaspora:, Twitter/X:
Markus also has an Orcid ID: 0000-0001-5792-7569 (Thanks to Scientists4Future!)
Markus is also go-to-person for the Open Source Business Alliance in Bavaria: (E-Mail)
We help companies to create sustainable and efficient workflow and process documentation. Ask us for analysis, consulting, studies and workshops. Interested in recursive agile documentation and onboarding? We can help you to help yourself.

Who is controlling your company? Where are the limits of your autonomy? Are external gatekeepers a threat to your revenues?

Vision and ethic. Are you, your employees and your customers confident with the long-term impact and goals of your company?

Humans, teams, organisations and IT: What is going on on the OSI layers 8, 9, 10? Ethics, motivation, inspiration.