Here’s a list of our most interesting projects of 2022. Or click on the buttons for other years.
Feilner IT’s concept of Agile Recursive Documentation has made it into a title track of German Linux Magazine. Indeed, we’re proud to have helped shape the title and are thankful for this opportunity. Here’s our article on ARD methods and best practice in enterprise knowledge management. Thanks to HalloWelt!’s Richard Heigl for the scientific parts about knowledge base strategies.

On November 30, 2022 the first stable version of ownCloud Infinite Scale was published, and instantaneously many journals and websites picked up the news and wrote about the huge changes and advantages the new version brings. Markus Feilner is keeping track of that for ownCloud.
Since October 2022, Feilner IT is a member of the Open Data Institute. The ODI was founded in 2012 by Tim Berners-Lee and others and is a non-profit “with a mission to work with companies and governments to build an open, trustworthy ecosystem”.
Meet you at ODI summit?

Big news ahead from Feilner-IT: With – and thanks to – great partners, we are working on new offers: How to establish Open Source Program Offices (OSPO), Data Strategies and Data Institutes. Public administration can benefit from transparent oParl portals, open source time tracking (TVöD), E-Akte and X-Rechnung for Soon to come: Open Source Health Care. Stay tuned!
Our friends from Hallo Welt! have released a new version of their “enterprise wikipedia software distribution”, BlueSpice. This is another major step, because BlueSpice 4.2.1 is compatible with Long Time Support version 1.35 of Mediawiki. Feilner IT is helping HalloWelt! with text, strategy and words.

Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Thessaloniki: Throughout September and October Feilner IT has been on tour through the Balkans, as a work-and-travel event. Part II of the “halbattical” is coming spring next year.
After several years of writing for ownCloud and promoting and organizing articles and creating content for the most secure file sharing platform, Markus Feilner accepted an offer from ownCloud as Product Marketing Manager for Infinite Scale, the newest, Go-Driven cloud native product of ownCloud.

For grommunio, the open source drop-in replacement for Microsoft Exchange, Feilner IT has been writing news and blog posts. Read about how the SEC punishes Banks for using WhatsApp, how Microsoft pushes its customers in the cloud and how security holes affect MS customers.
ViPNet, Protelion, Zero Day Exploits in Windows and Docker Container for the Greenbone Community Edition: Markus Feilner has been writing several blog posts and news articles highlighting Greenbone’s vulnerability management.

For the December edition of the German Linux-Magazin, Richard Heigl from Hallo Welt! and Markus Feilner wrote an article on practical knowledge management in the modern enterprise. How to get started, how to find out what to document: Feilner IT’s concept of Agile Recursive Documentation can help.
SUSE, creator of the term “Enterprise Linux” has celebrated its 30th anniversary. Markus Feilner wrote an article in Linux-Magazin Germany on that.

“Practicing Sovereignty” is the title of the Weizenbaum conference 2022. The Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society is organizing this conference and Markus Feilner was invited.
Dors/Cluc, the “oldest Linux and free software conference in Europe” has invited Markus Feilner to speak on open source and rocket science. Watch him on Friday, May 20th, 14:45 CEST in Zagreb, Croatia.

An article on Bluespice Mediawiki – the enterprise distribution of the software that runs Wikipedia will be published in the US American Linux-Magazine beginning of June. Feilner IT helped Hallo Welt!, the Regensburg vendor of Bluespice with that.
Once more Markus Feilner was invited to Ghost Town Radio, a Regensburg “Pirate” radio station. Only available in the internets, GTR can only be listend LIVE. Talk radio, old school. On May 10th, Norbert interviewed Markus on his Ukraine trip and the war situation.

Another series of publications about migrating from Microsoft Exchange to open source with grommunio written or helped by Feilner IT include IT-Administrator (5/22, german), Admin-Magazine (issue 69) and several articles in Linux-Magazin Germany. Find them on grommunio’s website. now has a new and fancy knowledge base with a modern, structured and consistent documentation for the world’s best secure webmailer. Markus Feilner has been helping Heinlein Support and with creating a style guide since early 2021.

Owncloud has released its newest product beta: Owncloud Infinite Scale (OCIS). A complete rewrite in Go, Feilner IT has helped with many blogposts, articles and reviews, from Raspberry Pi Geek to Heise, Linux-Magazin and a few forthcoming Go-articles on and around the OCIS Beta
For the market leader of Open Source vulnerability management, Greenbone, Markus Feilner has been contributing several blogposts including research on predictive vulnerability managemen with AI security standards, compliance, supply chain security and ransomware as a service.

In April, Markus Feilner set out to help Ukraine in Putin’s war. Thanks to the awarded Regensburg NGO Space-Eye we were able to bring 5 tons of goods (bedding and routers!) for the university of Lviv to Poland. Here’s the photo story.
Since November 2021, Feilner IT has been helping the AKDB with lots of Open Source related topics, in workshops, trainings and strategy. In May, the AKDB published a very comprehensive guide on OSS in public administration.

Early in March, Markus Feilner helped both the Open Source Business Alliance and Vogel IT with writing a piece for Cloud Computing Insider. The entry describing the OSB Alliance in their glossary needed an update.
Early this year, the Bavarian Digitalministerium published a password checker website (background). A few days later the Bavarian Radio Station BR24 asked Markus Feilner to explain why this is not a good idea at all. Here’s the article published in their “Netzwelt”.

On February 9, 2022 Feilner IT will help Regensburg’s social initiatives, namely KISS Selbsthilfe (self helping group) in the city and county of Regensburg with a Workshop on digital sovereignty and IT security in every day life.
Linux-Magazin 02/2022 has a long article from Markus Feilner on the open source groupware grommunio that claims to be a drop-in replacement for Microsoft Exchange

Feilner IT is proud to help the Regensburg NGO “Parkhaus Kollektiv” to create a modern urban social space in Ostpark, Regensburg. Since December 2021 Feilner IT is one of 17 founding members of the e.V. Parkhaus Kollektiv is a Ribisl project.
Find more references and older projects on our history page.