This is a list of documents that you might need when working with us. EULA(AGB) and our standard contracts will follow soon, until then: Feel free to ask for individual versions.
Tariffs – Preisliste

If you are interested in our services, here’s our current price list (PDF, german). Feel free to ask us if you have any questions. We offer special rates for combinations or for long-term agreements.
Ask us, we will find the perfect solution – because we are interested in content and quality.
Anfrage zur Texterstellung – Article/Study Request (German)
A short form/survey for media or companies that are considering giving us an order for research or writing in any form. Here is the PDF, and the ODF is here. This might be helpful for you if you want to order studies, analysis, articles or text in any of the varieties we can offer.

Master Contract Template (German)

Here’s a sample master contract agreement (PDF) in German language from Feilner IT. Have a look inside this template, if you wonder how working with us could look like. Feel free to ask about everything – Remember: “Nothing is written in stone!”
Hours’ List – Stundenzettel
Provisionsvereinbarung (German)

This agreement specifies how we work with recommendations and referrals. If you bring customers to Feilner IT, here’s how you can benefit.
A process for open source in your company
This template model for an open source decision process has been created during work for one of Feilner IT customers.
It has since been refined and reworked and used in several iterations and versions. This is the one we think is a good basis for most companies to start with.
It was also published in Linux-Magazin (Germany).

The European Union Public Licence

The European Union Public License EUPL is receiving strong acceptance among enterprise Open Source companies. Here’s why:
The EC’s Joinup has a FAQ, but also Wikipedia’s page is very good, Then here’s an excellent comment on the EUPL and the (German) lawyers Plutte et al have a great FAQ, too.
How to write a good blog post
Writing a good blogpost isn’t easy, but it is not hard either. There’s a few simple rules that may help you: Rachel Leist has a step-by-step guide, Denise Wakeman helps with better blog posts and Blogtyrant has 12 “expert tips”.

How to write a mission statement

Good Marketing needs a starting point. What is it that makes your approach unique?
Here’s some blog posts on it:
Lindsay Kolowich Cox on her blog, Britt Skrabanek on Clearvoice and a template from the Indeed Editorial Team.
How to write a good press release
Writing a press release is not a difficult task, once you got the basics, an idea of the structure – and Feilner IT’s checklist for press releases. Check it out, and send us your feedback!

How to write a good case study

Ever wondered how to put your customers and your success in the appropriate light? It’s not rocket science, but from my conversations with Garnter and others, here’s our learnings in a short – five questions – template for case studies.
To Translate or not? When?
Working with Languages … Here’s a (German) blog post from Markus Feilner explaining when, how and why translate IT terminology, which we find mostly in English to your favorite language. And there’s been a twitter discussion on the topic, too.

The perfect length of a sentence?

Your sentences are best if they range between a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 20 words. Unless you’re telling somebody the basics 101 of knitting or are doing populist rants in tabloids. Read more about this controverse topic in our blog post “How long should your sentences be? It’s easier than you think“
Permit A38
Permit A38 (Passierschein A38): Use this form to obtain universal technical information from your developer anytime, anywhere. Your documentation experts will love it, because their work will be so much more efficient. And it’s a constant in the world of Agile Recursive Documentation. Got trouble with the form? Contact us.

Software used, licenses chosen, tools at work and the law.
Please mind: We are exclusively using software, licenses and tools that are in compliance with the Europoean GDPR (DSGVO) and that follow the Schrems I & II – decisicons (Safe Harbour/Privacy Shield). As a default all our writings are published in accordance with CC-BY-SA. We will not provide Microsoft Documents, but PDF, ODT and similar formats are available. If your compliance or setup requires different solutions, let us know – we will find a way.
Feilner IT is using Libre Office, Linux Operating Systems and Desktops like KDE, LXDE, Gnome and similar Open Source Software. We love and use SUSE, Debian, Red Hat and Arch Linux systems. An we refrain from using proprietary software wherever and whenever possible. As of 2021, our recommended licence is the EUPL, and we understand the need for Open Core models, but we do not endorse CLAs.