Here’s a list of our most interesting projects of 2021. Or click on the buttons for other years.
For the Austrian vendor of open source collaboration software grommunio, Feilner IT contributed a review of the year 2021. Founded in late 2020, this first year of grommunio was an amazing ride. Read more …

Markus Feilner’s famous OpenVPN Training is still being booked, and starting from 2022, Feilner IT is proud to be allowed to offer it also in Heinlein Akademie, Berlin.
Feilner IT welcomes the Anstalt für Kommunale Datenverarbeitung in Bayern (AKDB) as a new member of the Open Source Business Alliance. As reported by the magazine “Egovernment Computing”, the provider for public services’ software wants to be a role model in OSS.

Still in December, an article on ownCloud Infinite Scale OCIS (written in GO Microservices) on a Raspberry was published in Raspberry Pi Geek – the German magazine for RPI fans. Martin Loschwitz and Markus Feilner helped with this.

Germany’s renowned public services magazine “Behördenspiegel” quotes Markus Feilner in its december issue (PDF): Digital sovereignty should not mean trading old monopolies for new ones, we should delegate know-how, deciscions instead of top-down-rulings. Behördenspiegel is hosting Digitaler Staat Online.
Feilner IT, namely open source journalist Markus Feilner was guest at a panel from Digitaler Staat Online on digitalisationg, together with Anika Krellmann (KGSt), Guido Gehrt (Behörden Spiegel), Christian Neßlinger (Stadt Meinigen), Christan Nähle (Do-FOSS) und Dr. Christian Knebel (publicplan GmbH)

Feilner IT helped the team of Regensburg-Kalender deliver a calendar for the city and its citizens, inclusive, for everyone and without any commercial interest. Located under the roof of the awarded blog regensburg-digital the calendar targets social, ecological and cultural initiatives and venues.
Feilner-IT has been helping the city of Treuchtlingen with evolving their strategy on digitalisation. During 2020, we helped to pin down a “Digitalisierungsplan“, an agenda an measure for future decisions. In November, the city council agreed to this plan.

More than 10 years ago, some open source nerds, company leaders and senior IT experts founded Germany’s largest NGO for open source and digital souvereignty: The Open Source Business Alliance. Feilner IT congratulates, Markus Feilner wrote the Festschrift.
Just before DeeAnn Little left Feilner IT, heading for her new role as community manager at Greenbone Networks, she wrote an article about the new hardware that the city of Treuchtlingen ordered. The small ASUS PN51 is awesome, especially for Linux desktops, serving up to 4 screens with a fast Ryzen 5 CPU.

In October, a web TV host with >100.000 paying customers, invited Markus Feilner as expert in digitalisation for a 90 minute interview in their “veto!” episode 60.
Not quite 2020, but 2021 and in Regensburg, and SOLD OUT! This weekend, October 02 and 03, the conference part of Minidebconf 2021 Regensburg, the leading developer conference of the great Debian community will take place. There’s so much more about it, even on Thursday and Friday but Feilner It helped organize it. Update: Here are the videos, including Markus’ “My Life with Luca“, “Security theater” and many more.

Tuesday, September 26), at Owncloud conference Markus Feilner had the honor of hosting a panel on Open Source and enterprise, with Cornelius Schumacher of KDE/DB Systel and the CERN Head of Storage, Alberto Pace. Video will be published.
Markus Feilner was interviewed by Ghost Town Radio Regensburg:
“GTR has a very special story, and Adam, its mastermind has such great positive energy. This is analog radio via the web. No recordings, just live. On September 14, my university friend Norbert visited me and we did an interview about my crazy life.”

Once again Markus Feilner was permitted to give his classic OpenVPN training at Linux Hotel, Essen. Also this time, “for cops and public servants”, great participants and a wonderful venue made it a great event. Thanks to all that make this possible!
Admin, the US network and security magazine translated and published Markus Feilner’s article on Metasploit, the standard tacking tool for red teams.

Markus Feilner has published the first ever written article on a very promising open-source groupware solution: grommunio, formerly grammm, is heading to be or become a “drop-in replacement” for market leader Microsoft Exchange. But of course in Open Source and with tons of features, including Mattermost (Chat), Jitsi (Video) and Owncloud (Files).
For Linux-Magazin 10/21, Markus Feilner has written an in-depth introduction to Metasploit, the number one Hacking tool around. On nine pages (!) he was allowed to show how to take over Windows machines through executables hidden in PDFs or worse… Here’s the full article…

Web Key Directory is an amazing technology that promises to make encryption with PGP, GPG and E-Mail much easier. No more searching for the right key, no more wrong keys being user. Here’s an article by Markus Feilner for german magazine IX 10/21 about WKD.
In his final article for Telepolis on the #Lucaapp scandal (a german startup’s endeavour to create a contact tracing app that triggered hundreds of flaws, failures and security holes), Markus Feilner wrote about strange things happening during the tender (Update: Article has been censored by publisher, full version on, prior articles here: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]).

Owncloud now supports Windows Virtual File systems, and, Redhat’s opensource blog/journalism portal published another article from our friend Martin Loschwitz on this topic. Markus Feilner is proud to have helped with that.
Another American magazine, ADMIN chose to publish one of the series of articles Martin Loschwitz and Markus Feilner wrote about Owncloud OCIS, the new, Go-based version of the former PHP software for enterprise file sharing, collaboration and sync.

As of July, 1st, Feilner IT is very proud to be allowed to help the Bavarian city of Treuchtlingen in their quest for digitalisation. For 20 years, Treuchtlingen has been a lighthouse of Open Source and usability, showing that security, digital sovereignty and service quality go together in public administrations.
The state-run Norwegian consumer protection and information instituion Forbrukerrådet has startet an open letter against advertising business models aimed at spying on customers and visitors. Their “call to action against surveillance-based advertisting” goes out to many EU institutions, asking to ban such models. Feilner IT has signed this letter.

Markus Feilner’s old home, Linux-Magazine Germany (where he served many years as deputy editor-in-chief), printed an article almost 8 pages long about Free and Open Source Software in the complex German public administration’s IT landscape. Read it now, in issue 8/21, pages 36 to 44 (publicly available after 7-8-21).
The German IT think tank “Stiftung Neue Verantwortung” (Foundation New Responsability) has published an open letter signed by prominent experts, scientists and NGOs that strongly critize the German Ministry of Interior Affairs’ recent strategy paper for cybersecurity. Feilner IT of course was one of the first signers.

Once more, Markus Feilner wrote an article for Heise Telepolis. This one (also in German) describes the ALT-Right background of Clearview AI, the company that illegally scraped photos from websites and social networks and is using them to create biometric profiles – despite EU laws and GDPR.
DeeAnn Little of Feilner IT has published her first article for a German Tech journal. On almost 8 pages in Linux-Magazin 06/21, under the title “Heavy Metal” she describes how to extend the life of an old Chromebook with the help of some tweezers, tin foil and Gallium OS. Markus Feilner helped with translating.

Another article in Heise Telepolis by Markus Feilner. This one discusses recent IT laws that had been pushed through the German parliament in the last weeks. The German government coalition is coming to an end soon, but there was still some homework from the EU left undone. Thus, at the end of its term, the coalition had to rush through some laws. Sadly, with an expectable result.
Digitally Sovereign Websites: Feilner IT has helped the renowned Open Source Business Alliance to make its website more than just GDPR-compliant, but also digitally sovereign. Together we could take the necessary tests and steps to remove the cookie banner.

The renowned and awarded blog Regensburg Digital has interviewed Markus Feilner as expert in the matter of the Luca.App. Money Quote: “Die PR-Strategie von neXenio und Culture4life ähnelt der von Donald Trump: Schneller fragwürdige Aussagen veröffentlichen als der (politische) Gegner diese entkräften kann. In der Zwischenzeit macht man viel Geld.” Update: RD has published a second article about Luca.
Markus Feilner helped Scientists for Future (S4F) writing Climate-friendly Energy Supply for Germany – 16 Points of Orientation (in German). S4F is an independent collective of scientists, researchers and academics from a multitude of disciplines, providing facts on the issues of global change, climate and sustainability for society and politics.

Continuing the story with the Luca App for contact tracing in Germany for Telepolis, Markus Feilner interviews the CEO of the Luca App, who weighs in on on the debate about the use of his company, discussions with experts and the relationship to the Corona warning app. (German) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
The introduction of the Luca App for contact tracing in Germany has seen harsh criticism. Failures were made in licensing, security, integration with the human factor within an already-stressed contact tracing program, public relations controversies and much more. Markus Feilner takes a deep look at Telepolis: (German) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

As of March 1, 2021, Markus Feilner has joined the team of and Heinlein Support to help with documentation, technical writing and internet politics. Here’s his first blogpost about how German security politicians without any clue or care try to sabotage basic human rights and damage our economy.
Even after Markus Feilner left Heise in March 2021, he still keeps on writing regularly for Germany’s biggest IT publishing house. As an example, here’s the link to his political investigations, insights and explanations: All Telepolis articles by Markus Feilner (German)

Markus Feilner helped create, edit and write some of the almost 20 pages in iX 2/21 that orbit around knowledge management in the 21st century. You may have noticed the shitstorm that Atlassian (Confluence) received when they announced their future Cloud-Only strategy. This magazine (in German only) has all you need to know. Alternatives, Strategies and Backgrounds.
Open Source rocks, and Markus Feilner has been using and supporting KDE, the leading OSS Desktop environment since its first version 1.0.0. Early in January, he was happy to be guest of the KDE-PIM developer meeting in virtual Osnabrück. Great work, folks!