Whistleblowers go here – Feilner IT secret file drop.
Do you have something to share with us? Something, that others don’t want us to know but that journalists should see and that should be published? Here’s Feilner IT’s secure file drop – a service run by ownCloud Infinite Scale (OCIS) – it’s simple, just click, enter the password “z4&jWT^5Yp,7″ and feel free to upload. The password is needed still as an abuse protection, sorry for the inconvenience.
If you are being prosecuted, harassed or similar by state-run institutions or secret services, you may want to take more precautions. If unsure, scroll down for more information and details – but in 99% of all cases the information above should be enough. Just copy the password and click on the link – you’re fine. 🙂

Markus Feilner and his team have been doing investigative journalism for decades, and without whistleblowers from politics, corporations, NGOs and other realms many articles would not have been possible. Thanks to all those that have trusted in our capabilities, tools and workflows, stories like the one about the Bundestags Hack or Dataport Phoenix or the many articles on the Luca App desaster ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]) would not have been possible.
How to share “delicate” stuff with us
Especially when sharing classified documents with us, you should definitively follow advice and guidance from professionals. You’ll have to read a bit, no way to avoid that.
As a start: The Intercept has a good list of best practices. Please make sure you are using a fresh TOR session or any other kind of VPN that reliably removes most of your traces on the road. Even though we enjoy journalist’s protections and do not track or log, we cannot guarantee that data centers on the way and software flaws might deface your identity (e.g. IP) when submitting.
The Feilner IT secure file drop is powered by ownCloud and runs on ownCloud Infinite Scale and can be found here. (Password z4&jWT^5Yp,7) .
Please note: All files in this directory will be deleted within 4 weeks. Easily remembered as: securedrop.feilner-it.net