Senior consulting, coaching, analysis and strategy advisory in digital sobriety, sustainability, sovereignty and opensource PR

Welcome to Feilner-IT!

Are you looking for solutions and advice lasting longer
than a blink of an eye, then you are right here.

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Safely upload it to Feilner IT’s Secure File Drop.
Or are you looking for a job, one of our experts or simply want to contact us?

Click here to find our current projects and newest Highlights – there’s a lot going on, also this year. Or have a look at our history page with many references from more than 20 years of Open Source, choose from our list of products or check out our offers in our price list.
(Markus Feilner, CEO, founder and owner Feilner IT)

For more than 20 years Feilner IT has been helping, coaching and inspiring IT experts, management, leadership, public administration and politicians. We love to provide expert knowledge on digitalisation, the internet and IT in general, Free and Open Source software, standards and data – and always with a close look on your digital sovereignty and sustainability.

Our knowledge comes from a large network of experts, which Markus was allowed to gather in over 30 years of work with Linux and Open Source.

If you want to know more – click here and read the details on our history pages with tons of references and examples

From the inventor of Blameware…

We invented terms like “Blameware“, knowledge management concepts like Agile Recursive Documentation and Onboarding (ARD/ARO), and we bring you new ways of understanding your IT systems, be it by Rubberducking or seeing Digital Sovereignty and Sustainability as a matter of all your system layers – from OSI Layers 1 to 11.
Have a look at our resources pages for ideas, help and our price list (PDF, German, Euro).

Open Source, Communities, Knowledge & Documentation Management, PR and Technology

In presentations, talks, trainings and coachings we share lessons learned from opensource, linux, community driven development and new ways of collaboration. In our talks and presentations we could show the impact technologies like Open Source, the fediverse, artificiaI intelligence, blockchains and more have on our daily life and business. Again, find many of them on our history pages spanning three decades, but far from complete.

References – Quick List

Feel free to contact us – our list of references and partners is long. Among them:

A huge network of experts for you

Our large network of pundits will help you to help yourself, by explaining, writing, teaching, consulting, coaching, research, publishing and much more – of course digitally sovereign, sustainable and with free, modern methods and tools.

And we’re listening 🙂

Markus Feilner is regularly talking with, listening to and advising members of the German and European Parliament, representatives of local or state governments and institutions.

For many years, Feilner-IT has been hosting panels with experts, pundits and corporate representants, with Markus and others giving Keynotes and more. Over the years, we have met so many extraordinarily skilled people – a huge thank you to all of you, you were an inspiration – and many more that are not (yet) mentioned here:

You can find more details on our history pages, don’t forget to check out our offers or click on these buttons down here to have a look at the highlights of this years’ work. And if you are an NGO or social initiative, don’t hesitate to ask for special offers – we love to help.

Recent Highlights and History

Feilner IT has been helping customers for 24 years. Click on one of the buttons above to see the amazing things that happened in the last years – apart from the daily business.