The first two decades

Feilner IT was founded in January 2000. This is a brief look into our history before 2020.

Air Conditioning in our data center, at about the Millenium.

Trainings, publishing, documentation and consulting and solutions for SMEs all over the world have been at the core of Feilner IT’s work. With the great help from interns, students, partners, friends and our international customers, professional IT solutions, web services and large-scale Linux migrations in NGOs, public administration, SME or corporate environment were realized.

Markus is the author of a gazillion of printed articles and three books – among them the first book ever on OpenVPN in 2006 and a long series of training books for german universities. 2019, he started as deputy editor-in-chief at Heise iX (one of Germanys biggest and oldest print magazines for professional IT.

In fall 2019, DeeAnn Little from Sacramento, California joined the team as a CEO and director of strategy. Having led several companies in film production, media, software creation, professional services for both state and corporate IT and as an open source community manager and developer liaison, she became an Expat in Regensburg in early 2016. DeeAnn has been a long-time contributor to open source, helped distributions like Bunsen Labs Linux (formerly CrunchBang Linux) evolve and is well-known around the web as #chillicampari., the first website of Feilner-IT: 2001 and 2002

DeeAnn was also in charge of the relaunch of Feilner IT websites. Over the years, the they had been refurbished many times. For the 20th anniversary of the company, a relaunch in early 2020 with the focus shifted to digital sustainability and the human factory had been organized. OSI layers 8 and above, so to speak.

2007: More information, more details, more professional, but still self-coded, pure HTML.

WordPress came in in 2020, thanks to DeeAnn Little’s help.

Since 2021, Feilner-IT is a member of the Open Source Business alliance (Bundesverband für digitale Souveränität). Early the same year, Markus left Heise and started a part-time job as editor for “internet politics and tech” at, a provider focused on secure, private and trustworthy mail and groupware – a job that allowed a lot of time for writing, consulting and helping the open source business world. His duties at included updating and structuring documentation, blogging and introducing a new layout and concept for the knowledge base. Later that year, DeeAnn startet a full-time job as a community manager for Greenbone Networks, but she continues to write for and help Feilner-IT.

After DeeAnn had left, Sandra Schneider joined Feilner IT as assistant to the CEO, helping us get rid of a lot of paperwork and bringing in new ideas. Sandra also joined us in Brussels, at FOSDEM 2023. Sandra she left us a few months later, back for being a language teacher. Thank you, Sandra!

Late in 2022, Markus’ job at was completed, the new knowledge base online, and another customer had already been knocking at the door: Also in part-time and remotely, Markus joined ownCloud as a Product Marketing Manager and Ambassador for ownCloud Infinite Scale, the newest product of ownCloud – a rewrite in Go, with microservices and a cloud native architecture that allows secure file share and sync. Infinite Scale has the potential to really rock the industry, all open source and all compliant with the terms of the GDPR. A long and growing list of articles about Infinite Scale and the Go Programming Language, written or inspired by our work shows the impact we have had on this great software project. After the acquisition of ownCloud by Kiteworks (late 2022), Markus is leaving ownCloud in March 2023.

Projects, Presentations, People and papers:

We met so many extraordinary people on our path – thank you, here’s only some of them. It has always been and continues to be a pleasure working with you, folks!

Before 2020

Projects 1992-2002

  • Joint projects with the University of Regensburg (Lehrstuhl für Kulturgeographie – Cultural Geography), e.g.
  • Trainings and workshops with
    • IHK Regensburg and Weiden, VHS Niederbayern,
    • Drexler Multimedia Akademien, BSP Training Regensburg,
    • Mantrace Management Training Center Regensburg,
    • In-house IT trainings for companies, public administration, corporations,
    • Trainings at Linuxhotel Essen.


  • Administration of complex firewalls, mail servers and Windows networks (e.g. maintaining and planning the data center of the Munich hospital “Stiftsklinik Augustinum Großhadern”),
  • Development and implementation of open source software solutions for SMEs,
  • Internal training and support for administrators, system technicians, apprentices, graduates and trainees (e.g at Ermer GmbH),
  • Project manager for product development of Linux solutions,
  • Writings: see books and articles below.


Organizing conferences, panels and workshops (scroll down for more details):

  • Network policy panel at Linuxtag 2012,
  • NSA affair and data protection 2013
  • Open IT Summit 2014, Open Source Day 2015 and 2016
  • Moderation LinuxNewMedia Award Ceremonies (EN/DE, 2007-2015)
  • Minidebconf Regensburg 2020/21


Selected articles and photo reports

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